Friday, 1 September 2017

Animal Poisonings in Asia by Prof (Dr) Pawan K (PK) Gupta


             It is well known that the human, animal and wildlife population is continuously exposed to environmental polluting agents that are harmful to health. Among them are natural and manmade chemicals such as metals, pesticides, organic and inorganic substances, animal venoms, animal and animal toxins including algal growth and industrial wastes to which domestic animals and wildlife are frequently exposed. In recent years, despite the increasing level of regulation in the use and sale of such products in Asia, their commercialization has been intensified. Consequently, many cases of accidental poisoning have occurred. In addition, their continuous use or due to spills the poisoning cases have drastically increased all over the world, particularly in developing countries. There is an ongoing need for careful assessment of the risks caused by exposure to these chemicals. Information on the assessment of toxicity caused by these chemicals mainly comes from human and animal studies. However, some supporting information may also be obtained from clinical and in vitro studies. There are no reliable estimates of how many animals suffer from acute poisonings or due to long term exposure. In general, epidemiology has been particularly helpful in the evaluation of working environment or other environments where exposure concentrations are relatively high. However, several factors limit the use of epidemiological studies by regulatory agencies. For example, it is difficult to define the causal elements in epidemiological investigations, particularly when complex exposures are involved. Another limitation is the frequent movement of animal population and a large number of animal species available in the universe. As such studies on one population under controlled conditions may be difficult to apply to predict health effects on other animal population.
           In few developed countries such as the United States, have human poison control centres that collect data on animals also. In developing countries where there is hard evidence of poisoning including sporadic incidents involving livestock and pets, surveillance is conducted by the Veterinary Institutions / departments or by the Wildlife Departments of each country. However, a centralized veterinary poison control/information centers do not exist in most of the countries in the Asia. Therefore, in many Asian countries information related to animal poisoning is either unavailable or inadequate and refers only to isolated case reports when it does exist. Occasionally, epidemiological data on animal poisoning gathered by universities, research institutes, government institutions or independent laboratories has been published in some local journals which at times becomes difficult to trace. It is therefore easy to conclude that available data are inadequate to provide sound estimates of the real incidence of poisonings in animal population and are very likely subject to significant under reporting. This chapter focuses on some of the most important poisonous chemicals and plants in Asia Cand provides an overview of the poisoning episodes that have occurred in Asian countries.

Common Chemical Poisonings in Asia 

Animals are exposed to potentially toxic agents on a daily basis but the lack of a central reporting agency for animal poisonings makes epidemiological study difficult. With no mandated reporting, many suspected poisoning cases are managed by the attending veterinarian and forgotten. Accidental or malicious poisonings are due to organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides, fumigants such as aluminium phosphide, zinc phosphide, rodenticides and rarely due to other agents. Poisonings are a serious cause of morbidity and mortality in animals, particularly in domestic animals such as cattle (including buffaloes) and dogs; farm animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, poultry; wild animals and vultures, rarely cats or other animals. Poisoning is also common with, metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury and copper; non-metallic such as nitrate/ nitrites, selenium, fluoride and molybdenum.

Drug poisonings in animals occur commonly due to off-label use of medicines, wrong dosage, negligence, accidental ingestion and deliberate poisonings. Most production animals are kept in some form of confinement, which limits the potential for exposure to toxic agents. However, mistakes in management, such as feed mixing errors or improper ventilation, may result in acute or chronic toxicities in large number of animals. 

Another most common source of poisoning includes mycotoxins, botulinum and ionophores such as monensin, lasalocid, narasin and salinomycin that are frequently used as feed additives and coccidiostats for cattle, sheep and poultry. Contamination of feed with antibiotics, pesticides, metals and with other toxins is quite common but their long terms effects are still unknown. For example, in the absence of any systematic survey, the extent to which household kerosene and solid fuels-biomass (wood, agricultural residues, and animal dung) and coal fuels cause long term damage including morbidity and mortality in companion animals is currently unclear. 

Plastic bags have invaded our lives, almost all garbage and food waste is disposed in plastic bags. Animals, especially cattle, ingest the plastic and develop complications, which finally result in their death. A lot of cases go unreported. The rumen is one of the four compartments of the cattle's digestive system. The feed enters from the reticulum to the rumen, omasum and finally the abomasum (true stomach). But when the plastic in the reticulum blocks the feed from entering the rumen, suffocation occurs and the animal dies. The scarcity of adequate epidemiologic and exposure investigations in various Asian countries, the potential for short and long-term exposure to a vast variety of agents including house hold use products and chemicals suggest a need for agencies for collection of epidemiological data on human beings and animals.


Animals are exposed to potentially toxic agents on a daily basis but the lack of a central reporting agency for animal poisonings makes epidemiological study difficult. With no mandated reporting, many suspected poisoning cases are managed by the attending veterinarian and forgotten. Poisonings are a serious cause of morbidity and mortality in animals, particularly in domestic animals such as cattle (including buffaloes) and dogs; farm animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, poultry; wild animals and vultures, rarely cats or other animals.
Drug poisonings in animals occur commonly due to off-label use of medicines, wrong dosage, negligence, accidental ingestion and deliberate poisonings. Accidental or malicious poisonings are due to organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides, fumigants such as aluminum phosphide and zinc phosphide, rodenticides and rarely due to other agents.Most production animals are kept in some form of confinement, which limits the potential for exposure to toxic agents. However, mistakes in management, such as feed mixing errors or improper ventilation, may result in acute or chronic toxicosis in large number of animals. The most common amongst them is due to nitrate-and nitrites, fluoride, Se, Cu (common in sheep) ingestion of plant or paddy straw. Another most common source of poisoning includes mycotoxins, botulinum and ionophores such as monensin, lasalocid, narasin and salinomycin that are frequently used as feed additives and coccidiostats for cattle, sheep and poultry. Contamination of feed with antibiotics, pesticides, metals and with other toxins is quite common but their long terms effects are still unknown. For example, in the absence of any systematic survey, the extent to which household kerosene and solid fuels-biomass (wood, agricultural residues, and animal dung) and coal fuels cause long term damage including morbidity and mortality in companion animals is currently unclear. The scarcity of adequate epidemiologic and exposure investigations in various Asian countries, the potential for short and long-term exposure to a vast variety of agents including house hold use products and chemicals suggest a need for agencies for collection of epidemiological data on human beings and animals. 

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Series 1: General Toxicology: TOXICOLOGY Question and Answer bank by Prof (Dr) Pawan K (PK) Gupta

General Toxicology: TOXICOLOGY Question and Answer bank


TOXICOLOGY Question and Answer bank is aimed to make the study of toxicology simple and understandable through illustrations, images, custom made drawings, self-explanatory tables, and questions and answers collated from standard and authoritative textbooks, and widely scanned. The author’s own experience in different branches of toxicology including environmental and veterinary toxicology has been abstracted in these series of articles. This is first articles of series. The article has been written in a manner to stimulate interest on various facets of the subject and make it more exciting. It is general experience that theoretical description does not attract as much attention and interest as the illustrations and images. At the same time the information learnt through questions and their satisfactory replies make the topics easier to grasp them.
The book provides comprehensive quick reference for various examinations. However, it should be noted that this series serve only as a supplement and not as a replacement for any textbook and class room learning.
The series is expected to cover several topics such as general toxicology, principles of toxicology, risk assessment, disposition, mechanism of toxicity, toxic effects of various xenobiotics, poisonings of poisonous and venomous organisms, plant toxins, poisonous and food poisonings, radiation hazards and, abuse of drugs. The following series will also the adverse effects on environment and ecosystem exposed to various toxicants and poisonings as relevant to domestic and other animals.
Each article will be in the format of questions and answers, multiple choice questions, true and false statements or correct/ incorrect statements, fill in blanks, and matching the statements that will be useful for students, teachers and practicing in medical sciences, toxicology, pharmacology, medicine, pharmacy, environmental toxicology and in veterinary sciences.

WHO will be benefitted

The author believes that these series would be:
Ø          A good alternative to be used for various courses and an excellent contribution for the students who needs a study aid for toxicology but wants more than a textbook as they need a self-testing regime.
Ø                The teachers of toxicology who needs inspiration when composing questions for their students.
         The established toxicologists who wants to test their own knowledge of understanding

the subject matter.
Ø  Will be useful at universities and colleges, in industry for in-house training courses in toxicology which I know exist in some pharmaceutical and chemical companies
Ø  Required for studying for the toxicology Boards and for preparation of different examinations.

Thus, the main strength of the series will reflect the breadth and multi-disciplinary nature of toxicology with illustrative approach to the subject that is needed to improve engagement with and understanding of the subject having a very wide audience.

Toxicology is a rapidly evolving field. Suggestions and comments are welcome to help the author improve the contents of the series. Please also suggest or send comments at or


Q. What is toxicology?
Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of chemicals or physical agents on living organisms. The word  ‘toxicology’ is derived from the Greek word ‘toxicon’ which means ‘poison’ and logos means to study. It also includes study of special effects of toxicants developmental toxicity, teratogenicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenesis, immune-toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, etc.
Q. Who is the father of rational medicine?
Hippocrates (460-375 BC) is regarded as the “Father of Rational Medicine”. He created the Hippocratic oath. He believed that disease came naturally and not from superstitions and GOD. He advocated hot oil as an antidote in poisoning and induced vomiting to prevent absorption of the poisons.
Q. What do you know about Paracelsus?
Hohenheim-Paracelsus (1493–1541) a first century Roman physician, who promoted a focus on the toxicon, the toxic agent, as a chemical entity. He recognized the dose-response concept and in one of his writings stated, “All substances are poisons, there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy”. 
Q. Who is Friedrich Serturner? What is his contribution?
Friedrich Serturner (1783-1841), German pharmacist who isolated the specific narcotic substance from opium and named as morphine after Morpheus, the Roman God of sleep.
Q. Who is a Father of Toxicology?
M J B (Mattie Josesph Benaventura) Orfila (1787-1853), a Spanish physician is a considered as “Father of Toxicology”.
Q. Describe main contributions of M J B Orfila (1787-1853).
He established toxicology as a discipline distinct from others and defined toxicology as the study of poisons. He advocated the practice of autopsy followed by chemical analysis of viscera to prove that poisoning has taken place. His “treatise” Traite des Poisons published in 1814 laid the foundations of forensic toxicology.
Q.   Who is father of experimental pharmacology? Describe in brief his contributions.
Francois Magendie (1783-1855) is known as the “Father of Experimental Pharmacology”, a pioneer French physiologist and toxicologist studied the mechanism of action of emetine, morphine, quinine, strychnine and other alkaloids.
Q. Who was Claude Bernard?
Claude Bernard (1813-1878) was a French physiologist who is considered the "Father" of Modern Experimental Physiology. Claude Bernard's first important works were carried out on the physiology of digestion, particularly the rôle of the pancreas exocrine gland, the gastric juices and of the intestines. In addition to this, Bernard also made other important contributions to the neurosciences.
Q. Who was Louis Lewin (1854-1929)?
Louis Lewin (1854-1929) was a German scientist who took up the task of classifying drugs and plants in accordance with their psychological effects. He also published many articles and books dealing with toxicology of methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, chloroform, opium, and some other chemicals. His important publications are “toxicologist’s view of world history” and “A textbook of toxicology”.
Q. Who discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT? What is his major contribution?
Paul Hermann Muller in 1939 discovered they of insecticidal properties of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) .He was awarded Nobel Prize in 1948 “for his discovery of the high efficiency of DDT as a contact poison against several arthropods”.
Q. Who is “Father of Nerve Agents”?
Gerhard Schrader (1903-1990) was a German chemist who accidentally

Health for all: Penta poisoning

Overview of Pentachlorophenol Poisoning (Penta poisoning)

Pentachlorophenol (PCP), commonly known as penta, has been used as a fungicide, molluscicide, insecticide, and wood preservative. Its use is now permitted only for industrial purposes; agricultural and domestic uses are prohibited, because it is classified as a highly hazardous pesticide.
The oral LD50 of penta in rats is 150–210 mg/kg body wt. Common signs of poisoning include nervousness, rapid pulse and respiratory rate, weakness, fever, muscle tremors, convulsions, loss in righting reflexes, and asphyxial spasms followed by death. Corneal injury may result from splashes or vapor overexposure. Chronic poisoning results in emaciation, fatty liver, nephrosis, and weight loss.
The persistence of penta in soil and water and apparent widespread use has resulted in significant exposure to animals. Young swine have died after dermal exposure to freshly penta-treated wood used in farrowing crates or farrowing houses. In vivo studies in swine demonstrated that exposure to penta-contaminated soil can result in significant dermal absorption of the pesticide. Penta can be absorbed through intact skin and lungs and is an intense irritant to the skin and mucous membranes. Penta absorption in skin was greater in water or water-based mixtures than in 100% ethanol. Because animals typically have access to water at all times, this hydrophilic characteristic of penta suggests enhanced dermal absorption.
When absorbed, penta increases metabolism by uncoupling cellular phosphorylation. Animals fed in troughs made of lumber treated with PCP may salivate and have irritated oral mucosa. Both penta and its major metabolite, tetrachlorohydroquinone (TCHQ), can induce epidermal hyperplasia in mice.
Poultry have been exposed to sawdust and shavings from penta-treated wood. Associated adverse effects include reduced growth rates, kidney hypertrophy, and decreased humoral immune response. Penta exposure can also result in an off-taste to eggs and meat as a result of degradation of chlorophenols to chloroanisols. Vaporization or leaching of penta in pens, enclosures, homes, and barns has caused illness and death.
Cattle and pigs exposed to wood treated with commercial grade penta had increased mortality, possibly decreased fertility in boars, and reduced productivity (milk, meat, etc). The lethal dose in cattle and sheep is ~120–140 mg/kg body wt.
Commercial lots of technical-grade penta contain small but biologically significant amounts of highly toxic impurities such as chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans, tetrachlorophenols, and hydroxychlorodiphenyl ethers; these compounds can exert their own effects such as early fetotoxicity. Commercial-grade penta causes hepatic porphyria, increased microsomal monooxygenase activity, and increased liver weight. Pure penta was not teratogenic in rats.
Penta can cause residues in animal tissues. Also, a significant amount of hexachlorobenzene is metabolized in animal tissues to penta. Pentachlorophenol is considered to be a carcinogen and a tumor promoter, although studies have shown that the pure material does not increase the incidence of tumors in rats and mice. The technical-grade material has also been shown to be immunotoxic in laboratory studies. Penta must be handled very carefully and kept away from animal contact.
Whole blood analysis for penta may aid in the diagnosis of poisoning; diagnosis is usually made on the basis of the signs and the proximity of treated lumber in the animal’s environment.
There is no known antidote. Termination of exposure, bathing dermally exposed animals, oral administration of activated charcoal, and supportive therapy may be indicated. Bathing should be done gently with cold water and detergent so as not to cause vasodilation and increased absorption. Antipyretics, eg, aspirin and acetaminophen, should not be used. Treatment involves cooling the animal and administering fluids, electrolytes, and anticonvulsants. Read more --------

Overview of Pentachlorophenol Poisoning - Merck Veterinary Manual › Toxicology › Pentachlorophenol Poisoning
By P. K. GuptaPhD, Post Doc (USA), PGDCA, MSc VM & AH BVSc, FNA VSc, ... FAEB, FACVT (USA), Gold Medalist, Editor-in-Chief, Toxicology International.
The Merck Veterinary Manual (2016). Chapter “Pentachlorophenol Poisoning” by PK GUPTA 11th edition, Merck & Co. Inc Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA pp 3052-53
·         Pentachlorophenol Poisoning

Health for all: Overview of Herbicide Poisoning

Health for all: Overview of Herbicide Poisoning: prevention is better than cure
Herbicides are used routinely to control noxious plants. Most of these chemicals, particularly the more recently developed synthetic organic herbicides, are quite selective for specific plants and have low toxicity for mammals; other less selective compounds (eg, sodium arsenite, arsenic trioxide, sodium chlorate, ammonium sulfamate, borax, and many others) were formerly used on a large scale and are more toxic to animals.
Vegetation treated with herbicides at proper rates normally will not be hazardous to animals, including humans. Particularly after the herbicides have dried on the vegetation, only small amounts can be dislodged. When herbicide applications have been excessive, damage to lawns, crops, or other foliage is often evident.
The residue potential for most of these agents is low. However, runoff from agricultural applications and entrance into drinking water cannot be ruled out. The possibility of residues should be explored if significant exposure of food-producing animals occurs. The time recommended before treated vegetation is grazed or used as animal feed is available for a number of products.
Most health problems in animals result from exposure to excessive quantities of herbicides because of improper or careless use or disposal of containers. When used properly, problems of herbicide poisoning in veterinary practice are rare. With few exceptions, it is only when animals gain direct access to the product that acute poisoning occurs. Acute signs usually will not lead to a diagnosis, although acute GI signs are frequent. All common differential diagnoses should be excluded in animals showing signs of a sudden onset of disease or sudden death. The case history is critical. Sickness following feeding, spraying of pastures or crops adjacent to pastures, a change in housing, or direct exposure may lead to a tentative diagnosis of herbicide poisoning. Generally, the nature of exposure is hard to identify because of storage of herbicides in mis- or unlabeled containers. Unidentified spillage of liquid from containers or powder from torn or damaged bags near a feed source, or visual confusion with a dietary ingredient or supplement, may cause the exposure. Once a putative chemical source has been identified, an animal poison control center should be contacted for information on treatments, laboratory tests, and likely outcome.
Chronic disease caused by herbicides is even more difficult to diagnose. It may include a history of herbicide use in proximity to the animals or animal feed or water source, or a gradual change in the animals’ performance or behavior over a period of weeks, months, or even years. Occasionally, it involves manufacture or storage of herbicides nearby. Samples of possible sources (ie, contaminated feed and water) for residue analysis, as well as tissues from exposed animals taken at necropsy, are essential. Months or even years may be required to successfully identify a problem of chronic exposure.
In order to recognize whether a subject is exposed to herbicides, or even accidental poisoning, now standardized analytical procedure for diagnostic investigation of biological materials have become established and these are subsumed under the term“biomonitoring”. Accurately biomonitoring is an important tool that can be used to evaluate human or animal exposure to such herbicides by measuring the levels of these chemicals, their metabolites or altered biological structures or functions in biological media such as urine, blood or blood components, exhaled air, hair or nails, and tissues  The use of urine has advantage because of ease of availability.  As such urine has been used for biomonitoring of several herbicides such as 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid), atrazine, diuron, alachlor, metolachlor, paraquat, diquat, imazapyr, imazapic,  imazethapyr, imazamox,  imazaquin and  imazamethabenz-methyl with the objective to assess exposure and health risk to exposed subjects.

If poisoning is suspected, the first step in management is to halt further exposure. Animals should be separated from any possible source before attempting to stabilize and support them. If there are life-threatening signs, efforts to stabilize animals by general mitigation methods should be started. Specific antidotal treatments, when available, may help to confirm the diagnosis. As time permits, a more detailed history and investigation should be completed. The owner should be made aware of the need for full disclosure of facts in order to successfully determine the source of poisoning, eg, unapproved use or failure to properly store a chemical.
Toxicity and Management of Poisoning
There are >200 active ingredients used as herbicides; however, some of them are believed to be obsolete or no longer in use. Of these, several have been evaluated for their toxic potential and are discussed below. More specific information is available on the label and from the manufacturer, cooperative extension service, or poison control center. Selected information on herbicides, such as the acute oral toxic dose (LD50) in rat, the amount an animal can be exposed to without being affected (no adverse effect level), the likelihood of problems caused by dermal contact in rabbit (dermal LD50, eye and skin irritation), deleterious effects on avian species and toxicity to fish in water is included for some commonly used herbicides (TABLE 1). Comparative toxic doses (TD) and lethal doses (LD), of selected herbicides in domesticated species such as monkeys, cattle, sheep, pigs, cats, dogs, chickens is also summarized (TABLE 2). The information is only a guideline because the toxicity of herbicides may be altered by the presence of other ingredients (eg, impurities, surfactants, stabilizers, emulsifiers) present in the compound. With a few exceptions, most of the newly developed chemicals have a low order of toxicity to mammals. However, some herbicides such as atrazine, buturon, butiphos, chloridazon, chlorpropham, cynazine, 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T alone or in combination, dichlorprop dinoseb, dinoterb, linuron, mecoprop, monolinuron, MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid), prometryn, propachlor, nitrofen, silvex, TCDD (a common contaminant during manufacturing process of some herbicides such as 2,4- D and 2,4,5-T), tridiphane and tridiphane are known to have adverse effects on development of

Overview of Herbicide Poisoning

By P. K. Gupta, PhD, Post Doc (USA), Hon DSc PGDCA, MSc VM & AH BVSc, FNA VSc, FASc, AW, FST, FAEB, FACVT (USA), Gold Medalist, Editor-in-Chief, Toxicology International
The Merck Veterinary Manual (2016). Chapter “Herbicide Poisoning” by PK GUPTA 11th edition, Merck & Co. Inc Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA  pp 2969-99
·         Herbicide Poisoning
·         Overview of Herbicide Poisoning
·         Organic Herbicides
Toxicity and Management of Poisoning

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Steps to be undertaken to prevent cruelty to animals

The academy of sciences foe animal welfare is dedicated to the improvement of health and safety of humans and animals and also the protection of their environment.

To fulfill these objectives, the academy is committed to: 

a)       Critical goal in science and education will be continually identified.
b)      Research involving laboratory animal only if is necessary to ensure enhancement of human and animal health and protection of the environment. Scientifically valid research designed to reduce, refine, or replace the need for laboratory animals is encouraged.
c)       Research animals must be used in a responsible manner
d)      Each one shall observe the spirit as well as the ethical standards of treatment with regard to the welfare of humans and animals involved in any experimental procedure. Cruelty of any kind will be prevented, .
e)       Allocation of less painful or stressful procedures and improve animal care.
f)       The development and enforcement of alternatives to the use of animals. 
 Those who are dedicated to the cause of animal welfare can contact at

Associate ship for Animal Lovers

All kind-hearted persons wish love and care affection for animals can become associates of this Academy by contributing a one-time fee. Academy of sciences foe Animal Welfare was duly constituted as per guidelines laid down by the Animal Welfare Board of India under the Ministry of Environments and Forests, Government of India. The associates are eligible to use a title of honor in abbreviation MASc (AW) along with their names.

Associates are eligible to become fellows. They will enjoy special privileges and will receive certificates from a dignitary and will be entitled to use a title of honor in abbreviation FA Sc (AW). Fellows will enjoy special privileges and can sponsor associates for fellowship of the academy.

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